Bohemian Czech Pilsner

August 5, 2013 alex beerHobbies

Bohemian Pilsner Malt all grain bohemian czech pilsner recipe recipe from brewgr Bohemian Pilsner (batch #141) Pilsner (For Intermediate Homebrewers) Pilsner Lager Recipes – Beer Styles: Bohemian Pilsner Larger info How to tell if your lager needs a diacetyl rest (D-rest) … Continue reading



Time, TimeZone, javascript

August 3, 2013 alex Dev

How to get a javascript clock to only display a single time zone? – Stack Overflow. I have a real-time clock on my website that uses JavaScript to function however it grabs the current time from the user’s computer, therefore … Continue reading



Три всемирно знаменитых салата

August 1, 2013 alex Food and drinkRecipes

настоящий американский салат «Цезарь» классический «Греческий салат» Настоящий русский салат ОЛИВЬЕ. Рецепт. История создания..



HTML Sitemap for WordPress

August 1, 2013 alex DevTechnology

HTML Sitemap for WordPress. PHP include file, reused and for 404 page An HTML sitemap (as opposed to an XML sitemap) is often mentioned as being useful for SEO. They certainly are if you use them wisely (and especially Bing … Continue reading



Cooling Wort Fast Without A Chiller

July 31, 2013 alex beerFood and drink

Cooling Wort Fast Without A Chiller I use two different methods for cooling 5 gallons of wort down after boiling it. One for summer brewing and one for winter brewing. Neither of these include a wort chiller, as I have … Continue reading



Sour Beer with wild yeast

July 31, 2013 alex beerFood and drink

A Brief History of Sour Beer Brewers, especially in the United States, have embraced the time-honored Belgian art of deliberately infecting beer with the same “wild” bugs that generations of their predecessors so painstakingly eradicated.



Facebook share OpenGraph

July 25, 2013 alex DevTechnology

How do I customize Facebook’s sharer.php Want custom title / image / description in facebook share link from a flash app How to Create a Custom Facebook Share Button for your iFrame Tab How to Create a Custom Facebook Share … Continue reading



Remove your data from public on Internet

July 23, 2013 alex InfoTechnology

Is spokeo even LEGAL? Yes it is legalHere is a way to remove yourself from Spokeo…Here is how they get your information check the video



Google+ and openGraph

July 23, 2013 alex DevTechnology

Are there tags to specify the Google +1 story format in Google+ like og-meta for Facebook? Google uses microdata to generate rich snippets in search (and in Google+). There’s a lot written about and how it relates to … Continue reading




July 23, 2013 alex Food and drinkRecipes

рецепт окрошки: лук и укроп пестиком растираем до сока с солью, добавляем еще разной зелени (какую любите), добавляем вареные желтки и снова растираем. Потом крошим все овощи, но дополнительно трем на крупной терке огурец и редис, их сок даст особенный … Continue reading



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