Category Archives: beer

Жигулёвское пиво (рецепт)

International Pale Lager (2 A) Размер партии: 22L / 5.8G Объём на кипячение: 26L / 6.9G Время кипячения: 60 min Объём на конец кипячения: 23L / 6.1G Объём на розливе: 20L / 5.3G Тип ферментации: Лагерное, одна стадия ~ 10°С … Continue reading

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Kilned vs Caramel/Crystal Malts in Homebrewing – Understanding Malt Flavors

This week I take a look at Caramel/Crystal malts and how it is different from kilned specialty malts from a flavor perspective. While most homebrewers are very familiar with caramel and crystal malts, few have a well-developed understanding of the … Continue reading

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Shaken, not Stirred: The Stir Plate Myth Buster

Introduction When I started to brew in early 1993, no one I knew used a stir plate. That count included all of the hardcore amateur brewers I knew at that point in time and throughout my first pass through the … Continue reading

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H-brü-O Hop Water

I love beer, but there are certain occasions where consuming alcoholic beverages just isn’t in the cards and can even be dangerous or illegal. According to Lagunitas, regular consumption of beer on the job was killing productivity as employees became … Continue reading

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Figuring out how to brew keptinis

Mash baking in my kitchen oven I visited Vikonys in Lithuania and saw how the Lithuanians there brew keptinis. The basic idea is straightforward enough: do a normal mash, then bake the mash in a huge Lithuanian duonkepis oven to … Continue reading

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Lithuanian Beer Yeast

JOVARU® LITHUANIAN FARMHOUSE (OYL-033) Borne from an exclusive partnership with the famed Jovaru® Brewery’s “queen of Lithuanian farmhouse beer,” this unique yeast complements farmhouse beers with citrusy esters and restrained phenols. The strain produces a character of lemon pith, black … Continue reading

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What is the ideal HERMS coil length? Theory and experiments

Introduction When we started selling HERMS coils 2 years ago, we made our 40cm coil 15 meters (50 feet) long. The 30cm coil was 11.5m long. Why? That’s what most home brewers were doing. But we recently started to suspect … Continue reading

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How to Prevent DMS in Beer

A  Look at Studies and Experimental Brew with Tested Results The past few weeks I have casually been combing through over 20 academic studies on DMS, a topic in brewing that has benefited from a surprisingly vast amount of research … Continue reading

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Effects of mash parameters on fermentability and efficiency in single infusion mashing

A PDF version of this article can be found here: Effects_of_mash_parameters_on_attenuation_and_efficiency.pdf It is commonly known that there are many factors that effect the fermentability (limit of attenuation) of brewing wort. The series of experiments conducted here are aimed at understanding not … Continue reading

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Improve mash efficiency in your stainless steel mash tun

Mash efficiency refers to the extent to which you are able to pull the sugars out of the malted grain and into the water. A high percentage of sugar recovery (75-90%) is called ‘high mash efficiency’. A low percentage (60-75%) is called ‘low … Continue reading

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